Dreamz Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance and Testing

Dreamz offers a range of Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing services to ensure the reliability, performance, and usability of mobile applications. Quality Assurance (QA) and Software Testing are crucial aspects of the software development lifecycle. They ensure that the software product meets the required standards and is free of defects. We ensures that all applications are robust, secure, and provide a seamless user experience.

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Software Testing

Software Testing is a reactive process that involves executing the software to identify defects. It can be categorized into several types

Verifying that the software functions according to the requirements. Evaluating the user interface and user experience.

Testing individual units or components of the software. Verifying the interactions between different modules.

Identifying security weaknesses in the software. Simulating attacks to find security gaps. How the software scales with increasing load.

Identifying security weaknesses in the software. Simulating attacks to find security gaps. Verifying API for correct responses and data.

Quality Assurance

QA is a proactive process that focuses on improving the development process and preventing defects. It involves the following activities.

Establishing standard processes and methodologies for software development and testing. Defining quality standards and metrics for the project.

Conducting regular audits of processes and deliverables to ensure compliance with standards. Performing peer reviews and inspections of code and documentation.

Continuously monitoring processes and identifying areas for improvement. Implementing corrective actions to enhance process efficiency and product quality.

10 +
Technology and Framework
500 +
Website Delivered
150 +
Custom Website
99 %
Customer Satisfaction
Dreamz is a global IT consulting & software solutions provider with 40+ software consultants working full time across 2 delivery centres. Dreamz is headquartered in Pune, India with offices in USA. Our commitment to quality and 14+ years of experience has made us serve over 800+ clients across 10+ countries with 85% client retention.